Process Reingineering in the Public Administration


  • Zlatan Musić


Public administration, administrative procedure, reengineering, process


In last two decades, public administration in the whole world faces with many changes in the way of work. Traditional model of the public administration is under storng criticism of the citizens and private sector, especially theoreticians of the organization and state administration.

In the bottom of the criticism is the fact that state became ponderous with too many jurisdictions while market offers superior mechanisms for effective provision of public services and goods. Indeed, during regular public administration work where officials pass decisions about rights, freedoms and obligations of the citizens and legal persons, they are often very arrogant and do not facilitate enjoyment of the citizens rights. Furthermore, very complicated processes still play significant role in administrative decision-making process, thus harming professionalism and independence of the public administration. In the reality, „silence of the administration” appears to be usual way of citizen treatment – on the other side, citizens appeals do not precede in a timely manner, while responsible individuals are not subject to the misconduct penalty prescribed by the Law. The examples of second-level instances using authority to change first-level decision and pass new one based on the evidences presented in the appeal are very rare. Nearby, existence of the high number of special administrative procedures reduces transparency of public administration. All this causes heavy burden to the citizens and increases the possibility for administrative disputes and many other issues in the practice. Undisputed fact is that the delays are caused by numerous factors such as: discrepancy of the laws with the acquis communautaire, lack of the electronic administration system, human resources skills, aggregated files or, unfortunately in some cases, incapability, indolence or even corruption. Successful process streamlining could be achieved only if all mentioned issues are defeated.

Every day each one of us works in or interacts with a process. At work, we prepare documents, deliver reports, and attend meetings; away from work, we shop, plan vacations, and arrange meals. All of these activities are processes. Often we don’t notice the process because it runs smoothly. However, when things don’t go as planned, we want to know what happened, triggering the need for process analysis. Processes are important because:

  • They’re a major component of organizations.
  • A process-focused organization can use process analysis to diagnose all types of problems (e.g., structure, controls, people, and processes).
  • Most organizational problems have their root cause in a process.
  • Organizations canmanage workmuchmore effectively and efficiently through a process mindset.

Existing incompatible model of the public administration and its procedures in B&H does not have time to improve its functionality by several percents per annum. It requires Business Process Reengineering (BRP)!! Even BPR was oriented to the enterprises in the past, recent public administration development dramatically increased use of this method in the developed countries such as USA and EU state members. Process reengineering has virtual impact to absolutely every aspect in permanent organization thus dramatically improving its efficiency and effectiveness. The methodology is proposed to be used against existing politics – bureaucratic administrative structure and create system of process measurement and improvement. These problems are also related to the obstructive and unaccountable attitude of the certain structures responsible for public administration reform in the state. However, potential issues and evident risks related to the use of this methodology will not be enough to replace permanent pressure of the citizens and international community to increase work efficiency and effectiveness if we want to join European administrative space.


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How to Cite

Musić, Z. . (2021). Process Reingineering in the Public Administration. Uprava, 1(1), 137–149. Retrieved from


