Editor's word


  • Ermin Kuka Fakultet za upravu, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina


Dear academic and professional community, dear readers,

We have the honor and pleasure to present you the new, second in 2024, issue of the journal “Administration“, a scientific journal of administration and administrative law. The journal “Administration“ in continues since 2010, publishing scientific and professional papers and analysis from various domains of government and administrative law. In the issue, wich in front of you, the following papers have been published: THE INFLUENCES OF SOCIAL SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINES ON THE INTERDISCIPLINARITY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SCIENCE (Rijad Delić, Emir Mehmedović); MANAGEMENT OF THE SERVICE IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM IN PUBLIC UTILITIES IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA (Hazim Okanović); NEW INSTITUTES IN THE FIELD OF FREE ACCESS TO INFORMATION IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA: PROACTIVE PUBLICATION, LIMITATION OF ACCESS AND THE PRINCIPLE OF FREEDOM (Mirela Pelidija, Bojan Vuković); ASPECTS OF IMPROVING HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND THE QUALITY OF SERVICE PROVISION IN THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITIES IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA (Sinan Letuka); POLITICAL CONCEPTIONS OF THE SOLUTION OF THE STATE-LEGAL STATUS OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA DURING THE FIRST WORLD WAR (Admir Lisica).

Topics represent an important segment in the understanding, knowledge and insights that are of scientific and wider social importance. The thematic units covered by this issue of the journal are a combination of different approaches to public administration and all other aspects that are more or less related to administration.

In the period after the publication of the journal number 2/2023, Editorial Board is to increase the visibility of the journal “Administration“ in the new international databases.

We thank, once again, our authors, readers, editorial staff, governing bodies of the Faculty of Administration and the University of Sarajevo, representatives of scientific bases in which the journal is indexed and all those who have contributed to the development of the journal in recent years.

On behalf of the Editors of the Journal, the best regards and recommendations for this issue.

Ermin Kuka, PhD
Editor in Chief


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How to Cite

Kuka, E. (2024). Editor’s word. Uprava, 15(2), 7–8. Retrieved from http://journal.fu.unsa.ba/index.php/uprava/article/view/210


