
  • Amel Delić


Dear academic and professional community, dear readers, New issue of the Journal ‘Administration’ brings interesting titles that mostly comprise topics from the scientific field of State and Administrative Law, while certain topics have a multidisciplinary character and observe Public Administration in its traditional being, but from less researched perspectives.

In that sense, the range of papers goes from the historical-administrative analysis of the organization and administrative status of the Šabac Kadilik (Ottoman region), which provides a detailed overview of key social trends, organization and position of that political community in wider administrative space, review of official institutions, as well as the reforms in both well established state structures and those that emerged as a result of change in state reigning structures, up until the analysis of two significant constitutional systems, of the United States of America and Canada, representing historical, political and legal context and content of their constitutional regulation, with some elements of comparison.

In this issue also, the theoretical overview of the significance and the role of local self-government is presented, including different approaches in exercising local government, dominantly through decentralization and deconcentration of public affairs, with a brief review to the respected situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Local government is discussed in yet another paper, but from a different, contemporary and applicable aspect, elaborating on the possibilities and effects of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s local self-government units financial borrowing.

Further on, the range of papers in this issue of the Journal goes towards more focused, Administrative Law topics. In one of such two papers the course of the Administrative Dispute is presented, primarily according to the positive law in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with certain reform recommendations, while in another paper the authors emphasize the significance of contemporary contextualization of public administration’s organization and activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina through the application of information and communication technologies, and they comment, with certain recommendations, the strategic and legal acts in the respected field.

We are grateful to all authors for their contributions. Again this time, we are emphasizing the orientation of the Journal ‘Administration’ towards more papers written in foreign languages, especially in English, in order to contribute higher international recognition of the Journal.

We invite authors, scholars, as well as the professionals, and young researchers to contribute further development of the Journal in the area of Administration and other related scientific fields, in compliance with technical guidelines, and ethical and scientific standards that are available on the Journal’s website.

On behalf of the Editorial Board of the Journal ‘Administration’, the best regards are sent by

Amel Delić, PhD 


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How to Cite

Delić, A. (2020). EDITOR’S WORD. Uprava, 10(2), 5–8. Retrieved from https://journal.fu.unsa.ba/index.php/uprava/article/view/140


